The Crime Writers’ Guild exists to support all writers of crime fiction, working in the English language, in their campaigns to get their work read and appreciated. It does not limit its membership to authors who have published their work through traditional publishers. Such authors are of course welcome, but so are those who have chosen to publish their work by other means and those who aspire to, but have not yet, published. Also welcome are agents, reviewers and publishers who wish to meet the guild’s member authors and contribute to its aims.
Another of the guild’s objective is to help others. Please follow the links below to see what our members are doing:
Grace Tremayne donates all royalties from ERECOT to Harefield Hospital
Barrie Haynes work aids the Wessex Cancer Trust
If you are interested in joining our organisation, or just wish to learn more about the Crime Writers’ Guild, then please e-mail the secretary at:
for no obligation information.
Please tell the guild what you would like it to do for you. Your ideas will be welcome. This could be your opportunity to shape the guild by telling us what you are looking for from the guild.